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Holidays in CedarTown

By Nathan Coker
In Bayou Scene
Dec 29th, 2014

Louisiana’s favorite chef and favorite mom teamed up for the Silver Anniversary Brunch Nov. 13 during Holidays in CedarTown, a benefit raising money for Cedar Creek School. Nonna and Restaurant Cotton Chef Cory Bahr and Duck Commander’s Kay Robertson  presented a cooking demonstration and then served a brunch from 10 to noon. That evening, festivities continued with live music, holiday demonstrations and appetizers.

The event ran through Nov. 15, when the Frozen Snow Sisters and Snow Hunk paid a visit to the Frozen Wonderland. Throughout the event, special public shopping days were held, as well.

Cedar Town was sponsored by Community Trust Bank, Louisiana Plastic Industries, Restaurant Cotton, Spring Media, Minute Magazine, Hood Petroleum, Green Clinic, Nonna, Durrett Law Offices, Duck Commander, Kelly Moore Bag, First National Bank, Hodge Bank and Trust, Lenard Services, Lincoln Builders, North Louisiana Medical Center, Petite Paws, Lynda and Doug Steed and Turpin Orthodontics.

Save the date! Next year’s Holidays in CedarTown will be held November 12th-14th.