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Southern Ladies Afternoon Social

By Nathan Coker
In Bayou Scene
Sep 30th, 2016

Ladies of the Parkview Baptist Church gathered on Sunday, August 13 for a “Southern Ladies Afternoon Social.” A walk back in time with memories of mothers and grandmothers and their social graces were remembered with various staged scenes and memorabilia from the past. Items gathered around the hostesses “growing up” Southern childhood were placed around the room for all to enjoy.

A beautiful Southern garden graced the center of the room, circled with skirted round tables decorated with flower arrangements in antique tea pots and beautiful formal plates of tea cookies and petit fours for guests to enjoy. Each table had scatterings of our very own “Southern Sayings”    for the ladies to reminisce with and enjoy reading as they realized that each was truly our  “Southern” way of speech.

Hostesses served from old fashioned tea carts, offering coffee that was poured from silver coffee services and served in demitasse cups. Old fashioned “Coke floats” were also offered.  The social graces of past and current “Southern Ladies” were observed and remembered with love. A special surprise concluded the afternoon with a drawing for a unique door prize. A beautiful heirloom quilt was presented to the winner. In closing the ladies were walked one more time down memory lane with quotes spoken by mothers of all generations. There was much laughter as guests were told in conclusion, “We’re so glad you came. Y’all come back now.”